Eye Trauma

Injuries to your eye can cause many eye problems, such as fractures to the bony structure around your eye, infections, lacerations or cuts, and foreign bodies in your eye. In addition to damaging your eye, the trauma may affect the muscle, bones, and other tissues around your eye. Because your vision is at stake, you should only trust your treatment for eye trauma to a specialist who is specially trained to manage these types of emergencies. As an oculofacial surgeon, Dr. Hormozi is specially trained to evaluate your eye trauma and provide you with the precise treatment that is needed in the delicate eye area.

Am I a Candidate for Eye Trauma Treatment?

Eye trauma is most often associated with sports or serious accidents, but eye trauma can occur in almost any situation. If you have recently injured your eye or are experiencing vision or comfort problems, call our office today to schedule a FREE private consultation appointment with Dr. Hormozi.

What Is the Treatment for Eye Trauma?

The type of treatment for your eye trauma depends on the type and extent of injury to your eye. After performing a thorough examination of your eye injury, Dr. Hormozi discusses your treatment for eye trauma.

What Is the Recovery After Treatment?

Recovery after treatment for eye trauma varies by patient. Dr. Hormozi describes your post-treatment care, including medications, limitations to activities, follow-up appointments, and other medical treatments and tests that may be required.

How Much Does Treatment for Eye Trauma Cost?

Eye trauma treatment costs vary by patient, depending on the types of treatments that are recommended by Dr. Hormozi. Your insurance company may cover the costs of treatment for your eye trauma. For cosmetic cases we offer FREE private consultations.

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