Mid Facelift

Traditional facelifts have long been used to reduce the signs of aging. In fact, reports indicate that over 100,000 traditional facelifts are performed each year. While a popular choice, facelifts do very little to address problems that occur in your cheek and nose areas. A mid facelift targets these areas, giving you a younger, healthier appearance.


Am I a Candidate for a Mid Facelift?

If you look older because you have sagging cheeks, deep creases around your nose, a mid facelift may be right for you. Dr. Hormozi may recommend a mid facelift in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures.

What Is the Procedure for a Mid Facelift?

A mid facelift is an outpatient procedure that is performed with local anesthesia. Incisions are placed in locations where the scars are not visible, and Dr. Hormozi repositions the muscles and fat of your cheek area. Positioning sutures are then used to secure the tissues. In most cases, this procedure is performed in conjunction with lower lid blepharoplasty.

What Is the Recovery After a Mid Facelift?

You may experience little discomfort for up to two weeks after your mid facelift. You will be required to keep your head elevated as you heal and avoid strenuous activities as directed by Dr. Hormozi.

How Much Does a Mid Facelift Cost?

Mid facelift costs vary by patient, depending on the types of treatments that are recommended by Dr. Hormozi. We offer FREE private consultations, and you may pay for your treatments by cash or check.

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